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Press play to watch the 3 minute video.

bliss. here. now. is  A guided self-study course to do on your own timeline, in one, bundled grouping of downloads. It’s expressly cultivated to raise your levels of consciousness, upping your vibe and propelling forward your awakening.


  • More love
  • More flow
  • More peace
  • More inspiration
  • More DIVINE

    …in your life.

I know you want to live on purpose. In a life that is rich and meaningful in your relationships, your livelihood, your being.

I know that you want to light a room, light up the world. You can feel a greatness within you and you know life is meant to be magic.

If you are reading this, you are already on the leading edge. You’re always looking to grow, to expand. You understand that this dedication to yourself fills you so you can serve others. I don’t think you can discount how important that is and how much the world needs you to SHINE your light.

bliss. here. now is designed to help you connect to divine life force every day.

  • Meditations to get you out of your head + connected to the universe
  • Processes that eliminate unconscious self-sabotaging behavior + deeply rooted limitations
  • Simple tools + teachings that are against the grain for what you might  think of for spirituality (AND will rock your world)
  • Fun, accessible ways to accelerate a quantum climb in your individual consciousness
  • EXACT practices that will free yourself from judgement
  • Super deep non-dual material, stripped of dogma + preciousness.
  • Teachings on experiencing flow + what takes us out of it
  • An understanding of awakening, enlightenment + the practical tools that will get you there, step by step
  • A community of online support. Heart tribe, all the way.



A FULL 200 page book
with accompanying materials.

Education is nothing without practice, so we’ve included:

8 MP3s

5 videos

7 worksheets

All on a subscription page so you can download or stream at any time.

To watch a 15 second clip of a sample video, click play on the video below:

“In all of my years navigating the self-help spiritual world, I’ve never come across a voice as entertaining, hip, and deep as Margaret’s. This woman is brilliantly tapped in.”Linda


To add exclusive bonuses to the content, we’ve compiled 9 exclusive interviews with TOP instigators + experts worldwide.This is not the usual Oneness crew, or even online crew, but rather people who are walking the walk of an awakened consciousness + a peek into their reality.This prolific, prestigious bunch includes:

Kamal RavikantAuthor, “Love yourself like your life depends on it,” venture capitalist: speaking about suffering + freedom
Ashley TurnerUrban Priestess. Yogini. Psyche, Soul, Spirit + Consciousness: illumination on kundalini + chakras
Belinda DavidsonAustralian, founder School of the Modern Mystic: expert wisdom on chakras/energy
Meg WordenBadass health coach, speaker, writer from Portland. Director of Strategic Partnerships for A Social Ignition: authenticity + sacred semantics
Mikki Willisfounder of Elevate Films: the rise of conscious family
Erin Stutlandwriter, coach, speaker + creator of Shrink Sessions: Sweat Therapy: on manifesting
Catherine ScherwenkaOneness Mediator, advanced Oneness trainer: fast track to Divine Love
Alionka PolancoLife Coach, dream accelerator and possibility seer: Facing fear.
Kathleen BookerQueen of breathwork, the Jedi of Calm: the importance of clearing.

Every inch, moment, design, music, video, edit of this was created with highest intention and infused with subtle energies.

 Each person in this creative process, from design in Prague to Manhattan make-up artist was hand selected not only for talent, but awakened heart + mindset, so that this information, this channel was clear + powerful for YOU.

We wanted everyone that participated to know: this matters. It only happens together.

What is it worth to you to have total clarity, peace of mind + a constant tap into Universal Love? Not to mention organic efficiency + complete alignment in your life? To be authentically living your soul’s purpose on this planet?

I sincerely believe this information is priceless.

If you use these teachings + practices, they will change your life.

I’m a bit of a discerning priss when it come to quality, and I think this experience could easily be offered for several hundred dollars if not more.

But because we want it to be accessible to all, we are going to keep the pricing low for this initial offer. And up until April 15th 2015, there is the option to buy in two halves, to make the investment a no brainer. After this date, the price of the program will go up with no more installment plan.


In addition, 5% of net proceeds of the program will be offered to Odanadi, a rescue, rehabilitation + reintegration program for survivors of human trafficking.

None of us can be free, until truly all of us are free. Odanadi is a small organization based out of India and I personally know + have seen that all money goes directly to help these women + children, which is why I can be certain this money will be put to good use.


If you’re ready for a more awakened life, CLICK preferred payment option now:


That’s less than the cost of a 45-minute therapy session in New York. For reals. Once you buy, you will have immediate access to all materials as of April 8, 2015

You might want to check these questions first, but if you don’t see what you need, please reach out to us at


  • Who is this for?
  • Who is this not for?
  • How long will this take?
  • What’s the format? What do I get?
  • What is Oneness?
  • Are there scholarships?


  • I’m not really interested in following a guru or cult or anything. I believe in something bigger, but I’m not sure I believe in God.
  • I’m curious, but I really don’t like meditation. And/or: I’ve never meditated a day in my life. And/or: I’ve tried meditation, it’s hard/boring/frustrating.
  • My friends will think I’m weird.
  • I’ve done so much of this work, how is this different?
  • I know you’ve studied a lot in India, I’m Christian/Bahá’í/Jewish/Muslim/Jehovah’s Witness/Sufi/Atheist. I’m not sure this is for me?


  • This is for anyone looking to live a more authentic, purposeful life that wants to flow with the Universe + have a daily experience of Divine love. Seasoned practitioners will up their vibe in connection and service. People just discovering this world within will benefit from practical steps to this Love.
  • You love yoga but ancient texts make you a lil’ sleepy? This is for you.
  • You want to dive deep, but you still want to hang on to your high heels, football or pinot grigio? It can be done. Let’s do it together.
  • You’ve never studied anything spiritually, and you are intrigued yet unsure? As in: “I’m drawn to this, but I don’t even know why!” Oh man, I know what that feels like. Let me hold your hand.
  • This is NOT for people who don’t enjoy a topical, urban vibe. I live in New York, I speak truth (+ sometimes snark) and I’m not really a doily kind of gal. I value straight to the heart material + mindset. OF COURSE I want to (and hope to) inspire you, but I want you to see results in your own life, not just be floating around in theory or poetry. We’re going for sacred, not sanctimonious, here.
  • This is NOT for you if you’re not willing to give your internal conflict a real hard look. If you are not ready or willing to look at the darker sides of life, the sides that texturize life and give it depth, and only want in every moment to be reaching for love and light, this might not resonate, or you might just not be ready. This is for people who are willing to understand life is light AND dark. And ready to investigate that that exploration magnifies its magnificence. This is not a program of pure rainbows and sunshine. Our diamonds are revealed through authentic, raw, work + willingness.
  • The program materials will be delivered in automatic downloads, depending on which package you choose. You can choose to do it in your own time, as quickly as in an intense weekend or spread it out to integrate over several weeks. I want this to be on your timeline, with no pressure to ever “be behind.” Your timeline is perfect for you. I highly value efficiency and for the person who is ready, I’ve been told this is a “fast and furious” read.

If you have any questions about the program, please reach out to us! You can email us at


Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?

One of my favorite things to do is support the people I believe in, am inspired by, admire and love.

The old paradigm way of looking at things was: “Oh, my friend has opened this restaurant, retreat, wrote this book… yippee: free stuff.”

The new paradigm way of doing things is: “I am so proud of this person, care for them so much, I am going to support and promote them, because my money is where my heart is. My conscious spending + support shows the world what I value most in life.”

I don’t ask for a discounts from people who are doing amazing things in this world, because I want to acknowledge and honor their value.

That being said, I have no desire to offer you something that is not of value to you.

Please, if you are hesitant and not familiar with me, Margaret Nichols, go poke around my 100,000+ words and five years of blog posts. You should have an idea of my style (and peppered snark) to feel out if it resonates. 🙂

In addition, I deeply believe in the worth of these teachings, if someone actually practices them.

So, within 30 days, if you feel this is not for you. Just send us 3 of the completed worksheets as screenshots or attached in an email. If you have taken action, and this work has not brought forth light, change, a shift in perception or a shaking up of outmoded ways of being, or reignited what you already know + believe, we will happily refund you.

If this doesn’t stir your soul, I want your support to go where it does. I want our space to be a safe, sacred space, completely without risk, and I honor you knowing what is right for you. Let’s save the risk for the deep-diving soul stuffs where you can gleam the most benefit.

Are you ready?

It’s super easy to take the 1st step, just click the button with the preferred payment option below.

Once you click, you will immediately have access to the Path.



Notice the program is not called: “Bliss. There. Later.” 🙂 Why would we want to waste any time in making our life more magnificent? Our Ego, our minds can bring in extremely powerful barriers to our own magnificence. With this experience, that small, negative, destructive voice that keeps us away from shining our highest Self is lessened, called out, brought to light.

If you haven’t yet decided and you’ve read this far, there’s probably a part of you that is scared or unsure. I hear you and totally feel you. I’ve seen people do crazy things in the name of not being ready to step up to the most beautiful version of themselves.

But this is here for you. An invisible thread of your own longing brought you here. We’ve taken all the risk out of the investment for you, so really it is up to you:

Are you ready to rise?BHN.line

I know you are. Whether that’s a hell yes or a timid: I’m not so sure…

I know you are ready. Your soul, spirit, higher Self + divine beingness in this world is right there, right here, waiting for you.

More magnificence. More bliss. NOW.BHN.line

Now doesn’t that just sound delightful?

CLICK PLAY  to see more on Margaret




More testimonials on Margaret here.
